Who are Yazidis?
Now a days we're hearing a lot about Yazidis stranded on a mountain Sinjar in Northern Iraq as they fear persecution by ISIS. They're not Muslims but then who are they? Answer is simple yet complicated. Yazi dis are not descendants of Yazid Mawiya so first clear your mind about that. Yazidis are there since approximately 4000BC. And they now have a religion that's a cocktail of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Or in other words these three relatively recent religions trace their roots back to Yazidis. Yazidis have a 180 degree opposite but at the same time a shared believe with Islam. They believe that Iblis was a holly angel whome God tested by ordering to bow to human. Which he denied and hence passed the test and God raised his status. Further they believe that they're are children of Adam and a Hoor and other humans are children of Adam and Hawa. Their sacred book is words of Iblis and they don't consider him bad but a very pious angel. You can say their prophet...