Evolutionary Psychology of Visa Policy

The days have long passed when humans used to protect their borders from other intruders and hunters. This was done to preserve the limited supply of food available and to let animals living in that area breed and multiply in numbers.

Then we became more advanced and learned to grow food, started doing animal farming and gradually opened up our borders for others. But still borders were not opened for everyone. There were restrictions. Only those with skills to help us grow our food better were allowed and then those who already had equal or more amount of food and farmed animals in their own territories, the later group was welcomed because they could help us in the times of need.

This behavior is still governing our minds.

If we look at visa policies of countries, no nation gives visa free entry to the people of the country which is poorer than themselves. Now a days either you have to be exceptionally skilled or a person from an equally or more developed nation to be able to travel across borders. Or if the country is not possessive about its female herd, you may also fly there if you get marry with one of their females. Like in Saudi Arabia, they have small population and its common for men to marry more than one females so despite having no correlation with Islam they have policy of not giving citizenship to men marrying their females, instead they don't even give citizenship rights to the offspring born out of that wedlock. But any of their men if marry a female from another territory they welcome her into their domain.

It's interesting that we can track back modern human behaviors or even government polices to primitive human era.


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