1. Do what you love:
If you don't love it nobody is going to even like it.

2. Put a dent in the universe:
When you do it do it hard. Imagine jumping into war, either you'll emerge as victorious or dead.

3. Say no to 1000 things:
Make it simple stupid. Don't clutter yourself with unnecessary things, ideas or people.

4. Kick start your brain:
Come up with creativity, some unique idea.

5. Sell dreams not products:
Market your product as a dream and not as s gadget. 

6. Create insanely great experience:
Make a product that look and feel great, easy to use and gives people greatest experience ever.

7. Master the message:
You are the best marketer of your product. Market it well. Before delivering your message master it as if nobody in the universe knows about it better than you.


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